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Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2004


BBC-Artikel über Heiden

...im Verständnis "Heathen". Überraschend gut recherchiert, vor allem in der Frage über Werte und im Vergleich zu nicht-rekonstruktiven Wegen (wie Wicca o.ä.) - eine solche neutrale Darstellung, in dem Sinne, dass man ja auch z.B. das Christentum erstmal mit seinen positiven Grundsätzen beschreibt (Nächstenliebe, Friedfertigkeit) und nicht etwa Inquisition und Machtmissbrauch hernimmt oder bei Indianern keiner Sachen wie z.B. Trophäenjagd beschreiben würde, um das Prinzip ihrer Spiritualität aufzuzeigen - denn es geht ja um die Darstellung eines spirituellen Prinzips und Ideals - wünscht man sich hierzulande auch einmal:
[...] One of the central concepts in Heathenry is wyrd, the force that connects everything in the universe throughout space and time. Heathens believe that all of their actions can have far reaching consequences through the web of wyrd. They understand that who they are, where they are, and what they are doing today is dependent on actions they and others have taken in the past, and that every choice they make in the present builds upon choices they have previously made.

With an understanding of wyrd comes a great responsibility. If we know that every action we take (or fail to take) will have implications for our own future choices and for the future choices of others, we have an ethical obligation to think carefully about the possible consequences of everything we do. Thus one of the principal ethics of Heathenry is that of taking responsibility for one's own actions.

Another Heathen value is fridh (pronounced frith), the maintenance of peace and friendship within a social group. Obligations towards friends, kin and community are taken seriously by Heathens. Like many peoples living far apart in a harsh climate, pre-Christian Heathens put great stress on hospitality, and this is still valued by modern Heathens. [...]
Plain speaking, honesty and forthrightness are also important to Heathens. This may be seen as part of a value system based upon personal honour, which eschews deceit and dishonesty towards members of the social group. [...]

Heathenry is a living religion based on literary and archaeological sources for the religious practices of a particular pre-Christian culture and extended by the relationships of modern Heathens with their gods. It differs from Wicca and other modern day non-reconstructionist* Pagan paths in a number of ways. Perhaps the primary difference is that Heathens are 'hard polytheists': they honour a large number of individual gods, goddesses and other spiritual beings whom they see as existing independently from humans. And in common with many indigenous religions world-wide, they also honour their ancestors.[...]

They reject the concept that all goddesses are aspects of 'The Goddess' and that all gods are aspects of her consort. They also reject the Jungian concept of Gods and Goddesses as archetypes in the unconscious mind. Heathen festivals do not follow the 'Eight Fold Wheel of the Year' based on solstices and equinoxes. Their rituals do not involve 'casting circles' or 'calling quarters'. Magic is not an essential or central part of Heathenry, and the majority of Heathens do not consider themselves 'witches'. There are no 'degrees of initiation' within Heathen religion and no 'high priests' or 'high priestesses'.[...]
Unbedingt mal reinschauen: Hier gehts lang. (via EMail)

von Hellblazer 19:22 | Einzelansicht & Kommentare (0)


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